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Metro Atlanta LGBTQ+ Counseling

If you identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer (LGBTQ), or otherwise identify as non-gender conforming, you may be at an increased risk of mental health challenges and disorders. Indeed, statistics show that those who identify as LGBTQ+ are at least twice as likely to experience mental health challenges compared to the general population, and transgender individuals are nearly four times as likely as cisgender individuals to experience a mental health condition.

Working with a therapist who understands what you’re going through, empathizes, and can provide affirming care is important for your well-being. At CNSL, our LGBTQ+ therapists are here to support you when you need it most. Call our team today for the services and support you can count on.

Why Are LGBTQ+ Individuals at Greater Risk of Mental Health Conditions? 

There are many reasons why LGBTQ+ individuals may be at a greater risk of mental health conditions like anxiety and depression. These include:

  • Coming to terms with one’s own sexuality and sexual/gender identity. “Coming out,” even to oneself, isn’t always easy. People of all ages may struggle to understand and accept their own sexual and gender identity, which can lead to feelings of confusion, shame, embarrassment, or even guilt.
  • Family rejection. One of the most heartbreaking reasons why a person who identifies as LGBTQ+ may develop a mental health disorder is because of family rejection due to their identity.
  • Fear of violence. Research has shown that LBGTQ+ persons are nine times more likely than non-LGBTQ+ persons to be victims of violent crimes. Fear of violence can lead to anxiety, depression, anger, and a host of other emotions that may interfere with a person’s ability to live a happy, productive life.
  • Discrimination and harassment. In addition to violent crimes, those who identify as LGBTQ+ are also more likely to be victims of discrimination and harassment. Whether in their social or professional lives, others may be unwilling to accept and embrace an individual’s identity and could even take discriminatory actions against them.

Working with an LGBTQ+ Therapist 

When an LGBTQ+ person is seeking therapy for mental health conditions, it is important that they work with someone who understands what they are going through and can provide the level of professional support that’s most helpful. A therapist who understands how to incorporate sexuality and gender-affirming care into psychiatric practice is important. It is also important that a therapist understands the unique challenges that LGBTQ+ persons face, as well as best practices for treatment.

Get the Help You Need Today 

Whether you are struggling with accepting your own sexuality or gender, are facing bullying or discrimination, are afraid of violence, have been rejected by a loved one, have social anxieties, or are otherwise struggling with anxiety, depression, or thoughts of self-harm, working with a mental health professional is critical.

At CNSL, our LGBTQ+ therapists can provide patient-centric, LGBTQ+-specific care that is focused on your goals for therapy and your unique needs. We have a diverse and compassionate staff who are active within the LGBTQ+ community. To learn more about how we can help and why it’s important to work with a therapist, please reach out to our team today by phone or online. We are here to support you.

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