Carrie is a licensed professional counselor in the state of Georgia. She offers virtual telehealth services to children/teens/young adults and adults who seek help and reside in the state of Georgia. Whether it be your or your child’s experience of life transitions, anxiety, depression, mood disorders, stress, big emotions, interpersonal conflict, self-harm, or all of the above. She is here to remind you that you are never ever alone. And together – when you’re ready, we can create a life worth living.
Carrie knows therapy can seem weird and maybe intimidating, but she is here to offer authenticity and to come alongside you in the mess of wherever you are, with no judgment. She utilizes a lot of creativity, DBT-informed treatment, CBT, psycho-education, mindfulness and skills building. She is always learning!
Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) therapy is a non-invasive procedure that can treat symptoms of depression. Talk to our therapists to see if TMS is right for you.
We welcome any and all questions! For anything
that may require a general response, feel free to
leave a message, and we will respond in a timely
manner. For questions specifically for our clinicians,
please call our office.
Call: 678.384.4911